Thursday 30 May 2013

Summer Outfit Idea!

Hey everyone! I thought I would show you a summer outfit idea I had, I hope you like it :)
As you can probably tell from the photo, I like lace.....a lot! I paired this lace crop top with high waisted shorts because I don't want my whole stomach on show, haha! I know it's summer and I included a beanie but it isn't ever too hot for a beanie :)

Top: Topshop
Shorts: Miss Selfridge 
Beanie: Urban Outfitters
Necklace: Topshop

First Post! Yay!

Hey everyone! So this is my first blog post and I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to write for the first blog post but just go with it! I finally decided to start a blog, I've been wanting to for a while and now I've found the courage to start one. It would mean so much to me if some of you lovely people checked out my blog (if you have got this far I suppose you already have). I'll be blogging about fashion, makeup and whatever else! If anyone has a suggestion please comment :)
Meg x